Succeeding In College: Advice For Parents And Students
Getting through high school was nothing compared to what you will face in college; have no fear, the following article has a lot of advice to offer you. Considering all the aspects of campus life, lectures, exams and the socializing, you have a lot on your plate! Hopefully, the following tips will help you out.
Use online resources to study at home. Popular study aids include Quizlet and Memrise. You can use these websites to create flashcards for your class. Often, someone else has already made flashcards for your class or subject of study. In this case, you can use what is already available to study.
Socialize in moderation. Socialization is an important part of the college experience. Just remember to balance visiting friends and keeping your grades up. It can be easy to lose track of time and procrastinate. Save late night outings for nights when you do not have class the very next day.
Do not fall into the credit card company’s tricks where they give you a credit card. These cards have high interest rates, and they aim to prey on college students who have no money. There are many instances in which college student’s default on these cards because they understandably have no money to pay them back.
If you have debts with a credit card company, pay them off monthly. This will keep you from incurring late fees. Consider your credit card as a last resort for emergencies only. Credit cards can be tempting because they are so easy to use, but remember how hard they are to pay off. You don’t want to encounter any financial troubles.
Talk to your professors. Things are a little different when you get to college. Your teachers are more approachable, and you can talk to them during their office hours. This gives you more time to ask questions, but you can also learn more about what drives them. They can help you with ideas for your career after you are done with college as well.
A good tip to put in to practice when you’re in college is to never procrastinate with your homework or studying. It’s always best to get your work done as soon as you get home, so that you have the rest of the day to dedicate to whatever you want.
Make sure you study what you are having the most difficult time with first. If you save it for last, you will be more fatigued and less likely to retain the information. It will make studying much more difficult for you. Save the subjects that come easiest to you for last.
Take a break here and there. When you study too frequently, you’ll actually retain less. Your folks may want you to study all the time, but that really isn’t wise. Finding a balance may be challenging, however you can do it.
Do not borrow notes from other students. You might think that a person is a great student, but you don’t know if they take notes well. This can leave you with only half the lecture to study from.
Practice remembering important details. The most effective way to remember is to first choose to remember, then create a picture in your mind of what you need to remember. Form an association in your mind between things you already know and the new information you need to remember. Repeat the process to make the memory permanent.
Try to start your day as early as possible. You may not have class scheduled early in the day; however, it is a good idea to get in the habit of rising early. This can allow you extra time in your day that can be used for studying. It can also help you be at an active point by the time your first class is rolling around.
Be careful with your laptop when at school. Even college campuses are not immune to theft, and you probably don’t have the money to replace your computer if it is stolen. Always lock your dorm room and keep your computer in sight when you are in the library. Don’t take any chances.
If you are good in a certain class, consider tutoring to make some money. Tutoring high school students or other college students can be a great opportunity. Just post a note on a cork board at the school stating your availability. You can post your ad on the Internet, too.
If your campus library offers a workshop on research skills, sign up for it. Developing your skills in researching for information will make your life easier as you tackle difficult assignments in your courses. The information that you find is of better quality that what you can find by just searching through a search engine on the web.
College can be very intimidating, and some people cut-out too soon; prepare yourself well and stay committed for the long haul. When you finally reach graduation day, you will be able to look back on some amazing memories and will be able to look forward to a better life!