Ace Your College Years With These Solid Tips
Don’t you want to be fully prepared when entering college? Where are you going to go? What is going to be your major? Do you have everything under control and all of your paperwork ready to go? So many things you must consider when preparing for college, and you need to keep reading!
Take a bottle of water with you to class. Staying properly hydrated throughout the course of the day is very important. This is particularly key if you have a few classes one right after the other and lack time to eat. This will help you concentrate and be at your best. This is important in college. Water fountains make it easier to refill all kinds of water bottles now.
When you are about to take a big exam, make sure you eat an adequate breakfast but keep it a little light. Don’t go into a test hungry, or you’ll have a lot of trouble concentrating. Do not overeat either; however, so you don’t have to deal with an upset stomach.
Make sure that you purchase a pair of flip flops for showers in your dorm. These are essential as you do not know the forms of bacteria that are on the shower floor. Also, they can serve as a form of comfort for you during your shower. Flip flops are inexpensive and can be stylish, as they make a great addition to your shower arsenal.
Download foreign language learning podcasts and MP3 lessons onto your MP3 player or tablet. Listen to the lessons while driving or riding the bus to school. This will help prepare you for your foreign language classes. You can practice pronunciation, and work on vocabulary instead of wasting your travel time.
Choose a college that has an environment you’d enjoy exploring. In addition to a beautiful campus, your school should be in a city or town that you would enjoy exploring. You are going to be here for four years and might move into the surrounding community when you finish college, so make sure you enjoy where you will be living and studying.
Your high school accomplishments or popularity means nothing at college, College is a different animal, and people aren’t going to care what you did in high school. Remember that college is an entirely different experience than high school. Be prepared to try new things and experiences.
If you have any textbook’s leftover after a semester, decide what to do with them. Your dorm room space is probably precious. Some books are worth keeping for professional use. However, if you do sell, do so privately. You can find a better value for your textbooks if you sell it to an individual instead of selling it online or to your college bookstore. Just make sure to sell soon, as new editions will outdate your texts quickly.
Student organizations and associations aren’t just about looking good to a prospective employer. Participation can benefit students as well, both emotionally and socially. You’ll find others who share your interests and can explore more of your options on the campus. You might also gain insight into whether or not your chosen major is the best decision.
Try doing freshman and sophomore classes in a community college. By taking your basic core studies at a community college, you can save a considerable amount of money. There’s no reason you can’t transfer your credits to the college of your choice once you’ve completed some core classes. This is a great alternative if you cannot pay for a regular college from the start.
Sick to people in college who have the same goals and study ethics as you. When you are around hard working, successful people, you will be inspired to work equally as hard. This does not mean you could not have fun while in a group. College is all about finding the proper balance between work and fun.
Keep a notebook and a folder for each class. Even if it isn’t required, you will find that keeping each class’ work separate is easier for staying organized. Keep any returned assignments or handouts in the folder. Use the notebook for taking notes or recording your thoughts after class.
Resist the urge to skip a class simply because a professor’s syllabus allows for an absence. These absences should be saved for when absolutely necessary, and if you use one for fun early in the term you may be regretting it if you are ill or otherwise unable to attend but must get to campus to save your grade.
College is an experience that you will take with you throughout your life. Make sure you utilize the information you’ve read here as you get started planning your college years. This is a time in which you explore all of your options and continue to learn more about who you are as a person.