Creating Quality and Competitive Education

Education is not just transferring knowledge, theory, and academic facts, taking care of exam questions, establishing graduation criteria, or just printing a diploma. Education is a process of liberating students from ignorance, disability, helplessness and dishonesty.

Therefore, the educational process is not limited to memorization and practice of mastering exam questions. The educational process, in addition to being directed at the formation of enthusiasm, motivation, creativity, tenacity, and self-confidence, also emphasizes the formation of awareness, discipline, responsibility, and a good learning culture. Such an educational process can be developed in accordance with the talents, interests, abilities, needs, characteristics, and learning styles of students. That is quality education.

However, in the current era of competition quality alone is not enough to build superior educational institutions. The managers of educational institutions must be able to make their institutions competitive. So, how to create quality and competitive education?

Quality and Competitive Education

Professor …

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Make Your College Experience A Good One

What is a 529 Plan?: 5 Books to Help College Students Make the ...

College students nowadays have a lot on their plates. From making good grades to determining what they should major in, college students do not have it easy. Everyone needs some excellent advice from time to time, especially college students. Continue reading for some solid tips on how to get through those college years successfully.

Stick to your studies. College can be a fun time, with lots of new experiences, but it’s crucial to remember why you’re there. Take the time to ask teachers and other students for help, and make sure you get your homework done when you need to so that your grades stay strong.

Going to college is a real commitment. If you are thinking about getting an education, you need to make sure you will have enough time to attend classes and do your homework. You might have to make some changes to your schedule, talk to …

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